June 2013

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This project is now in the second phase and is installing incinerators in an outside area of Khartoum.

I will update information and add pictures once the incineration have been tested and are operational.

I do add here some pictures of the current situation on hospital waste.

The waste is not stored nor put in any protected area; it is just thrown on the soil together with all other hospital waste (paper, food etc etc) including old medicine, syringes, blood containers, blood bags, HIV tests and anything else you can think off.

This PSI project will collect this waste, train staff how to handle it and incinerate organic and non organic waste in specially designed incinerators including air filters to prevent any pollution.

They will start with 40 hospitals and go to 80 and beyond. The purpose is to have ALL hospital waste disposed off in a responsible manner. It should no longer end up on dumpsites with household waste.

 Update November 2013:

The first incinerator has been installed. They will start collecting waste before end of the year.

Due to new Environmental regulations, the project will be moved to 35 km outside Khartoum. This has caused some delay and there fore incineration has not started as yet.




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June 2013:

The Joint Venture partners in Malawi are now ready with renovations and will had their hardware installed by a company from India and Italy. The extrusion line is 50 meters long !

They have started production and their sales are doing very well. The partners expect to finalize their Pilot PSI project end of this year. 6 months before time. in 2015 the company is still running succesfuly.

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Kampala MRI Centre will provide Magnetic Resonant Imaging services to clientele in Uganda. Equipped with 1.5T Achieva MRI equipment from Philips Medical Systems, the company is set to offer the best MRI imaging service in Uganda.
The company will also offer formal medical education on MRI Scan Imaging to students from the East African Region and other Sub-Saharan countries (operating, managing, maintenance and repair).

Kampala MRI Centre Limited is a joint venture company between MEDUPROF-S BV based in the Netherlands, Ernest Cook Ultrasound Research and Education Institute (ECUREI) and Kampala Imaging Centre (KIC). The three companies together have a wealth of experience and expertise in medical imaging education and provision of imaging services.



They have their Philips MRI scanner installed and are receiving patients!!

Check out their website.

2015: The center is now receiving clients and is running succesfuly.
